4 Reasons to Take Your Dog to the Emergency Clinic

When it comes to the health of your pet, you may feel that you are out of your league in knowing what is considered an emergency and what is not. In many ways, however, they are easy to read and you will know that something is off; it is all in their behavior and look. There are several things that require immediate clinical attention. In addition to trauma such as having been hit by a car, allergic reactions, any eye injury, collapsing, fainting, seizures, and respiratory problems are at the top of the list for emergent situations.

Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction could be just as fatal to your dog as it could be to yourself. Whether you see some swelling or the presence of hives, your pet needs attention; especially if you do not know what he is allergic to. At an vets in boca raton your dog will receive the extensive care that is necessary to get him back to his normal self.

Any eye injury or wound

It does not matter how mild an eye injury your dog suffers. At Deerfield Beach's Animal Hospital they will do everything they can to ensure that your dog’s vision does not suffer in any way. Just as if it were your own eye, your dog’s eye can suffer from more than a superficial looking injury; you will want to have it taken care of as soon as possible.

Collapsing, fainting, seizures

If your dog has been collapsing, fainting, or having seizures, there could be a very simple or a very complicated explanation. An internal sickness or injury can cause any and all of these symptoms, so it is crucial that it be checked out as quickly as it can be. At Deerfield Beach's Pet Hospital your dog will have all of the necessary tests run so he can be diagnosed and treated effectively.

Respiratory problems

With respiratory problems, there are many possible causes and underlying issues. If you dog is constantly coughing or has minimal to extreme trouble breathing, he could be suffering anything from asthma to a lung sickness. If your dog survives a near drowning, get him checked out as soon as possible for complications. At aec-d.com you can read about more critically emergent situations.

Your dog’s health plays an important role in the family. As an honorary member of the family, his well-being is just as important as everyone else’s. If your dog is suffering from anything out of the ordinary, take him to the emergency clinic; they will be glad to help no matter how small or severe the situation.